ORA 700 [kskvmstatact: excessive swapping observed]
ORA 700 [kskvmstatact: excessive swapping observed] ======================================== One of my database down suddenly. Reason: ORA-700 SWAP error, as the dump it's taking more that 10 minutes pmon killed the process and the database was down. this database running with less memory . Solution alter system set "_kse_die_timeout"=XX or 0 if we want to disable the pmon killer during dumping . note: The error is documented in: - Note:1919850.1 - 12c: Warning Message About Heavy Swapping Observation and ORA-700 [kskvmstatact: excessive swapping observed] Because your swap memory has low values of swap in / swap out, this warning message can be safely ignored. Given both the alert log message and ORA-700 are expected behavior for 12c, no action is required. An enhancement request (ER) was created to change the threshold in future releases in Bug 19495842 - CHANGE THRESHOLD IN THE SWAP WARNING IN THE ALERT_<...