
Showing posts from October, 2018

ORA 700 [kskvmstatact: excessive swapping observed]

ORA 700 [kskvmstatact: excessive swapping observed] ======================================== One of my database down suddenly. Reason:  ORA-700 SWAP error, as the dump it's taking more that 10 minutes pmon killed the process and the database was down. this database running with less memory . Solution alter system set "_kse_die_timeout"=XX or 0 if we want to disable the pmon killer during dumping . note: The error is documented in:  -  Note:1919850.1  - 12c: Warning Message About Heavy Swapping Observation and ORA-700 [kskvmstatact: excessive swapping observed]  Because your swap memory has low values of swap in / swap out, this warning message can be safely ignored.  Given both the alert log message and ORA-700 are expected behavior for 12c, no action is required.  An enhancement request (ER) was created to change the threshold in future releases in  Bug 19495842  - CHANGE THRESHOLD IN THE SWAP WARNING IN THE ALERT_<...

ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 123416 bytes

ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 123416 bytes ==================================================== we revive alert from database due to less memory. user run query consuming more. It impacts other process to fail. This error causing lack of memory in pga and makes other process to fail. You can also monitor the PGA usage and high consumption of the pga process with below queries during the error time. ================================================= spool memory_results.txt append set pages 999 select to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YY HH:MI:SS') from dual; PROMPT PROMPT PROCESS CONSUMING MORE PGA: PROMPT ------------------------- set line 200 col logon for a10 col spid for a10 col username for a10 col osuer for a10 col machine for a10 col program for a15 col module for a10 SELECT DECODE(TRUNC(SYSDATE - LOGON_TIME), 0, NULL, TRUNC(SYSDATE - LOGON_TIME) || ' Days' || ' + ') || TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(TRUNC(MOD(SYSDATE-LOGO...