Shareplex some commands

Shareplex some commands i will post here and update in this post with more commands later, if i provide with example so post become lengthy so please to understand.

 sp_ctrl :-
Shareplex provides a command line utility called   'sp_ctrl' 

this  sp_ctl located in <product_directory>/bin ($SP_HOME/bin)  , if you set profile in os level you easy redirect location.

Below i will give commands run under sp_ctrl 

sp_ctrl (xxx)>  show config  ==> To check the active configuration (source side).
sp_ctrl (xxx)>  show log reverse ==> To check the log file
sp_ctrl (xxx)> show ==> command to displays status of the replication processes (Capture, Read, Export, Import and Post) .
sp_ctrl (xxx)> status ==> command from sp_ctrl utility that provides an overview on the state of Shareplex replication.
sp_ctrl (xxx)> qstatus  ==> We can monitor, the number of messages in a queue along with the size of the messages as well as the time since when the messages are in the queue.

sp_ctrl (xxx)> lstatus  ==> utility to get the detailed status of replication on source or target system

if need particular process information you can check like below.
show capture
show  post
show read
show export
show import

if need more details about particular process information you can check for example.

show capture detail 
show  post detail 
show read detail 
show qstatus detail 

------------------ Stop/start-------------------------
commands are very easy but stop/start must use with careful.

stop post ==> to stop post.
start post ==> to start post
--if you want stop particular queue only out of multiple.
stop post queue <queue name>
-- same like start
start post queue <queue name>

same procedure to fallow other commands as well it`s  like
stop capture (or) start capture.
stop import(or) start import.

and also we have many commands we will update post later


  1. Thanks Anuroop, Good collection.. Waiting for more !

  2. Hi Anuroop

    May i know any command to find the what are the objects of table configured for replication


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